Paroles de la chanson Honey I sure miss you

Reprise de Daniel Johnston
Honey, I sure miss you
And I long to kiss you
And I miss you so much
Your loving touch
You brought out the best in me
Can you bring it back to me?
'Cause I love you so much
Your loving touch
Every time I think about you
Love comes down
But you're still not around
Honey, I sure miss you
And I wish you were here today
'Cause I want you so much
Your loving touch

Nothing more important to me
No one any more closer to me
'Cause I love you so much
Your loving touch
Every time I think about you
Love comes down
But you're still not around
Y'en a un peu plus, j'vous l'mets quand même ?
Voir les paroles de Honey I sure miss you

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